What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a tried, tested and safe system of complementary medicine. It has been used to restore, promote and maintain good health for thousands of years. Many people are again discovering this long established therapy will offer effective relief and improve health and well being.
Treatment originated with the discovery that the stimulation of certain points on the body gave relief to a wide variety of disorders. These points are known to lie in very specific positions along channels of energy or meridians. The stimulation of these points will encourage the body’s own healing response. It treats the person as a whole, focusing on the underlying causes of imbalance rather than just the symptoms.
Acupuncture treatment is intended to restore the body’s natural balance.
Acupuncture is widely used in the treatment of stress, hypertension, headaches, insomnia, skin problems, bowel disorders and for a wide range of pain related conditions. It’s also effective for treating hormonal problems such as infertility, premenstrual tension and menopausal symptoms. Many people also use acupuncture to improve their general health and well being and to boost their energy.
Coming for Treatment
The initial acupuncture treatment, lasting about one and a half hours, will provide the traditional acupuncturist with an opportunity to determine the nature of the body’s disharmony by careful questioning and observation. Diagnosis will include the inspection of the tongue for its structure, colour and coating, and the pulses are felt for their quality and strength. Subsequent treatments would normally be weekly, their frequency varying from person to person and the type of condition. The average is about six visits.
Does it Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are so fine that there is little discomfort when they are inserted, but a slight tingle or warmth may be experienced. You may even feel the energy moving along the meridian. They are either withdrawn immediately or left in for up to twenty minutes, during which time there may be a heaviness of the limbs and a pleasant feeling of relaxation.
Are the Needles Safe?
Acupuncture is a very safe form of treatment when administered by a British Acupuncture Council registered practitioner. Sterile disposable needles would be used, providing complete safety against cross infection.
Should I Tell My Doctor?
If you have been consulting your doctor you may wish to inform them you are seeing an acupuncturist. Your acupuncturist will be only too happy to keep your doctor informed of your progress if you request it.
What Can Acupuncture Help Me With?
Many people visit an acupuncturist with a specific physical or emotional condition while some have acupuncture for preventative treatment to maintain health and increase vitality. Acupuncture is practised throughout the world to provide safe effective relief from a variety of conditions ranging from anxiety, arthritis, eczema, sports injuries, hay fever, asthma through migraine, hypertension, menstrual disorders, intestinal problems, drug and smoking addictions, shingles, insomnia to stress, sinus problems and musculo skeletal pain.
Choice of Practitioner
Choice of Acupuncture practitioners should always be governed by checking they are members of their professional body – the British Acupuncture Council – ensuring they will bound by their Code of Ethics and Practise, covered by professional indemnity and public liability insurance and provide the most effective acupuncture treatment.
The British Acupuncture Council is the registering body for professional Acupuncturist and their members are entitled to carry the letters MBAcC after their name. The health, safety and well-being of the public is their primary concern, and members will maintain the highest standards of education, ethics, discipline, practice and conduct .
The Next Step
To make an appointment or for further information, contact Fiona Matthews, SRN ONC Lic Ac MBAcC at Acupuncture South Devon: 01752 895401 or 07767 665677