Create Valentine Memories
Imagine this. It’s midnight, it’s freezing cold outside and you’ve just snuggled down under your warm duvet for a welcome sleep. Just as you’re about to fall into a deep slumber your partner walks into the bedroom, leans over the bed and whispers, “It’s a fabulous full moon. Do you fancy a walk?”
That’s exactly what happened to me the other night and I did what any other self-respecting wife would have done.
I kept my eyes closed, gave a gentle ‘mmmmm’, snuggled deeper under the duvet and pretended to fall into a fast sleep.
My ploy didn’t work.
“Was that a yes?” he said excitedly. “You want to go for a walk?”
Five minutes later I was in hat, boots and gloves and quietly grumbling and trailing behind my husband.
Ten minutes later I was striding across the moor marvelling at this world lit by a strange ‘bluey’ light of the full moon and laughing at the wonder of our madness.
It was a transforming experience.
A Shared Memory
For days we recounted our midnight lunar escapade to friends and family. It was a shared adventure and most significantly a shared memory.
Memories are priceless, they generate warm feelings and they can be shared for years to come. Most importantly they don’t have to cost the earth to create.
Memories are the glue that cement relationships.
Create a Memory
This Valentine, rather than grand gestures, think of something you could do to create a memory. It could be wildly romantic, or something out of character or a simple surprise that’s completely out of the blue.
Relationships thrive on spontaneity and fun. It’s great to re-light the spark of laughter by doing something out of the ordinary.
This Valentine think of a memory you could create with the special person in your life. It could be a simple picnic on the moors or at the other end of the spectrum, a trip to Paris.
Most importantly, if you’re on the receiving end of a spontaneous gesture (as indeed we all hope we will be) then remember to let go and enjoy yourself.