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How to Find Your Dream Home

How to Find Your Dream Home

by | Living

You want to find your dream home. The one that you’ve set your heart on. Where you’ll live in idyllic bliss, content and surrounded by helpful woodland creatures, pretty much like Snow White. Here’s how you find it. Sort of.

Use Your Senses

When you are viewing a property, don’t just wander through each room randomly hoping to be impressed. Have a system for each room. For example, you could start by counting the power sockets, then listen to gauge the traffic noise or musical din from the neighbours. After that, look closely at the walls and flooring (especially if it has a wooden floor) if you spot any areas with curious bulges, it may be a sign of damp or other issues. Similarly, give each room the sniff test; it can be a great way to pick up on potential issues such as dry rot, which has a very distinctive scent.

Don’t Be Shy

Many house viewers feel diffident about touching the furniture in homes. Forget about that, always treat other peoples’ property with respect of course, but don’t be afraid to ask to see behind or under sofas, armchairs or tables. Don’t be too shy to look under rugs either if possible; after all, they could be hiding an enormous stain or a massive hole. Stop worrying about offending anyone if you’re just peeking behind curtains or inside cupboards. Don’t expect the Surveyor to do it, because she won’t, and the estate agent isn’t likely to go around shoving their clients’ furniture around. The last thing you want to do is find out when it’s too late, so you have to do it yourself.

Get Connected

I don’t know about you, but my dream house doesn’t sit in the middle of a telecoms black spot. That’s why I recommend that you take out your mobile phone at every viewing and make sure that it gets a nice clear signal. Simple and quick.

Get Friendly

Your parents taught you that it costs nothing to be polite and they were right. There’s more to it though: making a personal connection with your estate agent can produce positive results. We’re all human and can’t help but be more willing to go the extra mile for people we know and like. Estate agents are professionals of course but they’re just as human as the rest of us. They meet a lot of people just like you every year so your job is to stand out – in a good way. Try chatting with your agent and find some common ground. Does he have a family, children, support Plymouth Argyle?

What’s Your Top Tip?

There’s a lot more to it, of course, but these tips should get you started. Choose your agents carefully and work with them to find your dream home. At the same time, be aware that you can help the process along yourself by using the advice in this article. If you have some tips of your own, we’d love to hear them; please add your comment below.

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