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Plymouth's Sc-Fi Fans Go to Dev-Con 1

Plymouth’s Sc-Fi Fans Go to Dev-Con 1

by | Around Plymouth

Devon’s answer to Comic-Con came to Plymouth today. And it was cool.

Today Plymouth was invaded. We were invaded by superheroes, villians, cartoon and chracters from graphic novels. Doctor Who was here as well as Jessica Rabbit and Deadpool. There were more to, many more.

Plymouth's Sc-Fi Fans Go to Dev-Con 1

Luckily, it was a friendly invasion. It was, in fact Devon’s first large-sized science fiction, cosplay, toy, comic, and manga convention. In short it was our very own version of Comic-Con, which is famously-known as a massive gathering place for anyone interested in buying, selling or just simply sharing their joy of anything geek.

It turns out that there are a LOT of people in Devon who have been waiting for the opportunity to do just that. Plymouth’s Guildhall was packed wall-to-wall with cosplayers, sellers and buyers of every kind of geekery you can imagine. Today, a taste of Comic-Con came to Plymouth. And it was cool.

InPlymouth.com spent some time there and took some pictures to record the event. Take a look through our Facebook Album below:

[fbalbum url=https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.724525904240468.1073741833.148204888539242]

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