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Social Media Could Help Plymouth Win the City of Culture Bid

Social Media Could Help Plymouth Win the City of Culture Bid

by | The Plymouth Blog

No-one wins a race by being mediocre. Adequate isn’t enough to win a prize. Make no mistake, winning City of Culture status for Plymouth would be a prize worth having. Millions of pounds in tourism, investment in creating new, larger venues, and raising Plymouth’s profile nationally and internationally would be just a few of the benefits.

Plymouth Needs to Stand Out

plymouth2017To increase our chances of success, it’s vital that Plymouth stands out, head and shoulders clear of other cities in the bid. This means making the bid as powerful as possible in every way.

There is one way that we can make a difference if we want to. That is by being the city that is most passionately behind the bid. This means being as vocal and enthusiastic as possible. That may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those who wish to support the bid, I suggest we use a platform that is both powerful and accessible to anyone with a computer or smartphone: social media.

Social Media Could Make the Difference

Social media gives us a chance to shout about Plymouth. If we are loud enough, and positive enough, we could make a real difference. It relies on us working together, on putting aside social and political differences to promote one clear message: we want Plymouth to be UK City of Culture in 2017.

How do we do it?

  1. Firstly, dust off your Twitter, Facebook, or Google Plus accounts; or make one if you don’t already have one. Then look at these 6 ways you could support the bid: 
  2. On Twitter, follow the official @Plymouth2017 account 
  3. Spotlight cultural events in or near Plymouth on your blog, and all your social media platforms
  4. Share all the wonderful things about our city that you love 
  5. Use the #Plymouth2017 and #LovePlymouth hashtags together 
  6. Join in Twitter chats and Google Hangouts about the bid (I’ll be running some in my #plymchat forum; why not create your own too?)

Message to the Plymouth Culture Board

Here’s my message to the Plymouth Culture Board (they’re responsible for making the bid happen):

You have made a good social media start by creating a Twitter and Facebook account, but you can do a lot more to help get the city’s many social media users’ support. Here are a few ideas for you:

  1. Create a social media strategy with clear targets and measurable goals
  2. Create a toolkit for online supporters
  3. Give us a rallying point (your blog would be a good starting place)
  4. Lead by example (tweet frequently, blog regularly, be transparent – let us know what’s happening)
  5. Get key influencers on board and encourage them to act as ambassadors
  6. Use the #Plymouth2017 hashtag on Twitter and on all bid publicity and signage

Take Part

Social media gives us all a chance to be part of the bid’s success. All we have to do is take it. Are you willing to do that?

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