Thank You Plymouth
I like the idea of taking time to be grateful for what we have. So I thought it would be nice to remember some of the things that make Plymouth so great. You may like to add some of your own in the comments section below.
Thank you for Plymouth Sound
In Plymouth, we are blessed with one of the most beautiful natural harbours in the World. it has been host to historic events, wartime drama and international sporting challenges. Now we can use it freely for our own pleasure pretty much any day of the week. How many other cities can boast that?
Thank you for Dartmoor National Park
Yes, I know there are more national parks near Plymouth, but Dartmoor is the closest and, in my opinion, the absolute best. Living in Plymouth means having free access to World-class raw natural beauty that is at times almost literally breathtaking. Watching dawn break over a tor on a clear, crisp, frosty morning is a life-enhancing moment. Taking a whole morning letterboxing while a roast dinner slow-cooks at home is the way family memories are created. Picnicking beside ancient Iron Age settlements on a warm summer day. These are reasons to be thankful that you live in Plymouth.
Thank you for Smeaton’s Tower
Plymouth’s iconic lighthouse features on logos and graphics, not just in our city, but all over the world. Once it was the Eddystone lighthouse. Now it lives here in Plymouth constantly posing for photographs taken by tourists, inspiration for artists, and as a focal point for entertainment and social events. It even has a Twitter account.
Thank you for Tourists
Locals may sometimes complain about the tidal wave of caravans that fill our roads in the summer, but they also fill our pockets so we love them really. Visitors bring in not only £337.4 million to the local economy, but they also bring with them new ideas, attitudes and expectations. Visitors help us raise our game; they make our businesses more competitive, our hospitality industry thrive. These are just some of the reasons why we are grateful for the tourists that visit Plymouth.
Thank you for the Clean Air
The first time I saw Plymouth was as a visitor, many years ago. I was a Londoner, used to the sounds, smells and tastes of the metropolis. Plymouth was pretty much literally a breath of fresh air. Air that didn’t smell or taste of car exhausts. Plymouth’s air quality is wonderful. Now the only thing I get to taste in the air is the ozone from the sea breeze that comes in over Plymouth Hoe. Fresh air, that’s something to be grateful for.
Thank you for the Better Pace of Life
Other cities may have richer economies, but Plymouth has a pace of life that is human-scaled. Not slow or bucolic by any means; we are the home of cutting edge academic and technical research, and the base for some of the UK’s most forward-thinking businesses. Just moving at a pace that encourages well-being and happiness. If any employer’s are wondering about relocating, it’s worth noting that Plymouth was reported recently as having the happiest workforces in the country [source].
Thank you for the Accent
We always knew it here, but now it’s official. The Westcountry accent was ranked as the third most popular in the UK in a survey conducted for Travelodge. Apparently it’s ‘witty’ and ‘exciting’. Who knew? Well, we did of course. [source]
Thank you for the Heritage of our History
If Plymouth were a stick of rock candy, it would have the words History and Heritage running through its length. From Iron Age settlers, to Olympic athletes, from Elizabethan pirates and explorers to modern-day Polar adventurers, our city has been an integral part of The history of not only England, but the World. The evidence is everywhere here: from the cobbled streets of Plymouth’s Barbican to the stone walls scarred by fragments of Hitler’s bombs. Take a walk through our streets and be thankful for our wealth of history which is our heritage.
Thank you for Pasties
Call me trivial, but I can’t list reasons to be grateful for being in Plymouth without mentioning our favourite savoury repast. Whether you have it in a bag on the run during your lunch break at work, or if you sit down to a proper meal with (of course) chips, the mighty pasty is something I am grateful for.
Thank you for Cream Teas
I can’t fail to mention that Westcountry delight, the cream tea. Combining sweet and savoury in an unbeatable conglomeration of jam, scone and fresh locally-produced clotted cream, the cream tea is a delight that you have to indulge in as often as your waistline allows. As for the great Devon vs Cornwall debate, I don’t mind whether the jam or cream is on top, so long as they are both present!
Thank you for Happy Friendly People
One of the most delightful aspects of living or visiting Plymouth is the wide range of people who will be friendly and helpful in all sorts of situations. This is a massive contrast from other major cities. Whether you’re waiting for a bus, doing a spot of shopping, or just strolling around You are often likely to be greeted with politeness, gentle banter, or helpful assistance. Plymouth is just a friendly place; and I’m thankful for it.
Your Turn Now
These are some of the things I’m grateful for as someone that lives, works and has raised children in Plymouth. Do you have some to add?