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What is Unfair About Business in Plymouth?

What is Unfair About Business in Plymouth?

by | The Plymouth Blog

Running a small business is tough. There are enough things that make it hard for us in a tough economy, but are there some things that make it unfair? It’s time to find out what they are.

A major project for me as Plymouth FSB chair in the last three months and for the foreseeable future, is working as a commissioner for Plymouth Fairness Commission (on a voluntary basis). I am hoping that I can collate the views of city micro businesses to reflect our views on fairness in the city, whether they are FSB members or not.

Uncovering Issues of Unfairness in Plymouth

As part of team of Commissioners, I have been representing our 1,000 FSB members with what I hope is a practical business view on uncovering issues of unfairness in the city. Chaired by Dame Suzi Leather, the Commission is currently taking evidence direct from organisations, interest groups, individuals and businesses, as well as analysing statistical data and other evidence, aimed at rooting out issues that are making life unfair for some people in living in Plymouth.

The Commission, which has been set up as an independent body, will report back to Plymouth City Council in April 2014 with its findings and recommendations. Already, there are a number of topics coming to the fore, for example the wide disparity in death rates across the different wards in the city, as well as issues surrounding access to health provision.

What is Unfair About Business in Plymouth?

As growing the local economy is so important to the life blood of our city, we micro businesses are at the forefront of job creation, so I am keen to find out what micro business people feel about setting up and running a business in Plymouth. Are there any particular issues which seem particularly unfair to them? Do you have views on transport, parking charges, the quality of skills training, or factors affecting retail issues?

A Minority Voice

At the moment the views from businesses are in the minority on the Commission and I am finding it is surprisingly hard to get people to commit their thoughts “to paper”. Do people have views on things happening where they work (or live) which they feel need raising for greater scrutiny? This is a genuine opportunity to “shine a light” on topics we may well have complained about in the past, or not understood why something is like it is.

Alternatively, what positive solutions could we practical business people make? What about credit unions, better access to finance, or an innovative local buying policy?

We look forward to hearing from you!

See www.plymouthfairnesscommission.co.uk for more details

About the Guest Author:

This is a guest post from Lesley Shorrocks, Chairman of Plymouth Federation of Small Business.

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