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Will New Development Make Any Difference to Plymouth?

Will New Development Make Any Difference to Plymouth?

by | The Plymouth Blog

Reading about all the proposed new developments it’s tempting to be optimistic about Plymouth’s future; but will they make any difference if there’s no easy way to get here?

Reading about all the proposed new developments in Plymouth; from the Civic Centre makeover, the new Argyle stadium, a new history centre, to a boutique hotel in Royal William Yard, it’s tempting to be optimistic about Plymouth’s future.

But will all these proposed developments make any difference to Plymouth’s prosperity if there’s no easy way to get here?

Fabulous Plans for Plymouth

James Brent’s plans for the Civic Centre sound fabulous; certainly the next best thing to demolishing the monstrosity. A new building for Plymouth Arts Centre would be great. Plymouth Argyle undoubtedly needs a new stadium. Free wi-fi in Plymouth city centre will be a great asset to businesses and shoppers. I’ve been saying for over twenty years that our museum needs improving. Similarly, a boutique hotel in Royal William Yard seems the next logical step for this glorious location.

Will They Work?

I heartily approve of all these new developments and think that they have the potential to attract tourists to Plymouth. But will they attract businesses to come to Plymouth when it takes three hours on the train from London, five hours to drive, and flying is no longer an option?

Tourists might be willing to endure a long journey to arrive at a glorious destination, after all isn’t the point of a holiday to get away from it all? However the last thing a business wants is to ‘get away from it all’. Businesses need excellent communications to thrive, and that includes good transport links so that face-to face-meetings are possible; you can’t do everything by Skype.

Plymouth is an Amazing City

Plymouth is an amazing city that is improving all the time. However, I fear that until there is a speedy and convenient way to get here, businesses may think twice before adding Plymouth to their list of desirable destinations. What do you think? Leave a comment below.

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