Baked Cornish Cheesecake Bistro One style
When it comes to cheesecake there are plenty of recipes to experiment with. This one is foolproof.
Variations can be considered but not until you have perfected this one!
Cheesecake has an interesting history dating back to the Ancient Romans and Greeks when cheese was processed to make simple curd, often for transporting as it weighed less than milk! Cakes followed, some sweet and some savoury. Fast forward to medieval Europe and cake makers in Germany, Austria, Hungary and France, all had their regional variations of Curd Cake.
This brings us to jolly old Cornwall and its culinary heritage. This recipe I offer was probably created by farmer’s wives who wasted nowt! Milk and Cream have always been a staple hence the Baked Cornish Cheesecake. Simple yet very tasty.
RECIPE: Baked Cornish Cheesecake
- 10 digestive biscuits, Crumbed in plastic bag with rolling pin!
- 65g sultanas marinated in a little Sherry or Cider
- 65g softened butter
- 225g cream cheese
- 100g granulated sugar
- 4 eggs – separated
- Juice of 1 Lemon (or Orange)
- 50g flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1. Mix the biscuit crumbs with the melted butter and press unto the base of a loose-based 20cm/8-inch flan tin.
2. Beat the cream cheese with 2 tablespoons of the sugar, the egg yolks, sultanas and lemon juice.
3. Fold in the flour salt and baking powder.
4. Whisk the egg whites till stiff then whisk in the remanding sugar
5. Gently fold in the egg whites into the cheese mixture
6. Spoon onto the crumb base and bake at Gas Mark 4 for 50 – 55 minutes until well risen and brown on top.
7. Leave to cool before removing from the tin.
8. Serve with clotted cream
About Stephen Barrett:
This is a guest article written by Stephen Barrett. Stephen is a Wine and Food Writer broadcaster and Restaurateur working from his restaurant Bistro One in Plymouth.
Bistro One, 68 Ebrington Street, Charles Cross, Plymouth.
Reservations 01752 313 315. Private Parking available.